Scotch eggs and ploughmans at The Harrow Inn at Steep

The Harrow Inn, near Petersfield, is an absolute marvel in so many ways. Tucked away just off the A3, in the beautiful village of Steep, this authentic olde worlde family run pub is a legend amongst locals, visiting ramblers and anyone else who is lucky enough to happen upon its wonderfulness.
My dad first introduced me to the Harrow as his “old hockey pub” and I doubt it has changed much in the forty-five years since he played. Indeed, the pub dates back to the 17th century and comprises just two quirky rooms – “the Tudor bit” and “the Victorian bit” otherwise known as the Public Bar and the Smoking Room. Memorabilia from times gone by lines the walls, and you can’t help but feel happy to be in a ‘proper’ pub, one that has resisted that standard ‘contemporary’ makeover so many pubs are having these day. Thankfully each time the Harrow is threatened with closure, a group of passionate people club together to fight its very worthy corner.
I love the place for so many reasons; the seriously cosy lounge, the log fire, the homemade scotch eggs, the giant ploughmans, beer from of a barrel served from the hatch, the personal service, the gorgeous flower garden (sales from which provide donations to charity), the antiquated outside toilets and the fact that credit cards are not accepted and only old school cash will do.
If you decide to visit, you must try the famous pea and ham soup, a recipe revered by regulars and one of the only concoctions not included in the recently published Harrow Cook Book, much to my dismay. Luckily, it means I will just have to keep visiting the Harrow to get my fill.
Image courtesy of SimonDoggett on Flickr